

Telegram Bot for checking cryptocurrency transactions and addresses for compliance. Use the Bot to learn the Risk Score and received detailed information on entities (owners) of all assets.

Launch Bot
изображение смартфона с работой бота
белая иконка лупы на фоне синего квадрата

Instant risk assessment

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We offer free first check

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Supports all popular networks including BTC, ETH, and TRON

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Wide range of service plans

Our own unique database

BTC network

Number of addresses

586 076 160

Number of entities

3 828

High-risk addresses


ETH network

Number of addresses

152 449 784

Number of entities

4 478

High-risk addresses


TRON network

Number of addresses

120 146 378

Number of entities


High-risk addresses


What is included in CoinKYT Bot

Checks in Telegram Bot

A personal chat with a bot allows you to quickly check addresses and transactions for ties to illegal participants. You will receive a message detailing the Risk Score by entities (owners), and you can also request a PDF report with detailed check results.

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API intergation

Connect your business processes to assessment of the risk level of transactions and addresses. Receive the required information automatically. We will help you set up all processes and integrate your preferred workspace, CRM, personal account with CoinKYT Bot.

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Service plans

логотип Коин-Кит синего цвета

CoinKYT Bot

1 check


3 checks


10 checks


100 checks


логотип Коин-Кит синего цвета

CoinKYT Bot + API


1000 checks




5000 checks



Get your free check
иконка коин кита в виде ватермарки
иконка коин кита в виде ватермарки

Launch CoinKYT Bot


Press 'Start' and enter wallet address or TXID


Receive a message containing the Risk Score and a report in PDF format